
About Trinity Platform

Industry Sector


International Development is the pursuit of a better world for all through the elimination of poverty, discrimination, and injustice.




Strive to achieve global utopia through redirecting global commerce to compassion and global values to empathy.




To be the primary usher of the Kingdom of the God of Abraham on earth through the pursuit of increased access to 28 basic human needs for all the world's inhabitants.

Historical Significance


Our organization, the Trinity Platform, comprises three legal entities, which are Redirect Mall, The Black Wall Street, and the 28 Development Channels, but we are primarily associated with the name: Black Wall Street or BWS (acronym), and there is a very strong reason for this.

In March 2002, in London, United Kingdom, Charles N. Lambert had an epiphany and screamed out "What is Capitalism without Compassion". He then began to preach the concept of advancing Capitalism by introducing features that promote a more compassionate system.

In December 2002, Lambert moved to the United States of America, arriving in Tulsa Oklahoma, a place known as the "Buckle of the Bible Belt" and where he believed he would find answers from God to his quest for the introduction of Compassionate Capitalism to the world.

The answers came in the most unexpected fashion, and the open-minded innovator King was definitely not going to miss out. Lambert had been attracted to Tulsa by Oral Roberts University, Kenneth Hagin's Ministry, TL Osborne, and other highly celebrated advocates of the God of Abraham. However, a few weeks of being in Tulsa, he noticed the great division between South and North Tulsa, with the North holding the black residents and the South home to the whites. Lambert, who was living in South Tulsa because of the ministries which attracted him to the city, began regularly venturing to the North. North Tulsa was a ghetto with very limited economic opportunities, poor amenities, and general depression.

In one of his visits to North Tulsa, some elderly residents gave Lambert the historical background that led to the now ghetto known as North Tulsa, which is the story of the Tulsa Race Riots and the violent destruction of the Black Wall Street in 1921 (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tulsa_race_massacre). He was horrified by the story, shed a few tears and in his can-do all things demeanour, vowed to rebuild the concept and the community, but this time, in Africa.

King Lambert spent more than a decade from the Tulsa Oklahoma experience planning the intricacies, features, and workability of the Compassionate Capitalism economic system in relation to the Black Wall Street. In the process, he identified the key elements of the unprecedented prosperity of the former US slaves who became millionaires in the land of their oppressors and termed it "Trap and Reinvest."

King Lambert now added "Educate" thereby completing the entire process of the "Educate, Trap and Reinvest" unprecedented prosperity formula.

He concluded that the utopia-type community which they built can be likened to the Kingdom of the God of Abraham and can be replicated anywhere in the world through the principles of Educate, Trap & Reinvest and further broke this principle into the core features of Compassionate Capitalism such as "Investment Points", "Democratic Economy", "Development Rankings", and "Economic Value".

Lambert believes that the legacy of the ancient Black Wall Street should no longer be about race but about economic fairness for all people and began a talk show known as "Economic War with Charles N. Lambert," where he prophesied that the Black Wall Street which was burnt down in 1921 would just like the proverbial Phoenix, rise again from the dead at the clock of 100 years from destruction-May 31st and June 1st, 2021.

As fate will have it, exactly 100 years later, a highly spiritual resurrection event watched online from over 91 countries was held in Kampala, East Africa, where the names of the 300 people that were killed during the violent destruction were read out by visiting African Americans with a crowd of 300 people in attendance, holding light candles, and echoing "Now Resurrected" as each name was called. The huge publicity and awareness also led to the first time visit of a sitting US President to North Tulsa and acknowledgment of the injustice that was done, the cover-up that was systemic, and the economic oppression that still exists today.

Following the resurrection of the Black Wall Street, which was also simultaneously dubbed the "Rebirth of Africa,"; King Charles N. Lambert now proceeded to begin the global implementation of the Compassionate Capitalism economic system through the creation and development of 28 basic human need platforms and the creation of 101 economic programs to increase access to these needs extending the utopia of the ancient Black Wall Street to every nook and crane of the marginalized world.

King Lambert has set the first major achievement of the Compassionate Capitalism economic system and the resurrected Black Wall Street to be the making of a Super Power Africa and eradication of poverty, injustices, and discrimination from the world's most problematic continent hence the famous chant of the organization- Africa First!.

8 Core Values
